"dream great dreams and find the courage to live them"

-erwin mcmanus

Friday, July 30, 2010

be ALL there

"Wherever you are, be all there."
-Jim Elliot

A quote that has been floating through my mind day after day, it holds some deep truth.  God places us exactly where we need to be.  In each of those places, in each moment, we are to embrace life, living it to the full in a way that glorifies Him.

I ask myself - Am I using my time well right now?  Do I spend my time loving others, or living selfishly?  Am I putting real effort into my studies, or am I wasting my time and money on an effortless and meaningless education?

I could walk around halfheartedly and lazily doing only the bare minimum.  I could even pretend like I enjoy doing it, but then I see how worthless a halfhearted effort is.  It's like in Mighty Ducks where the Hawks team motto was "It's not worth winning if you don't win big!"  While I don't necessarily agree with the statement in the context from which it came, it holds truth.  It's not worth coming to work if I am not going to put my all into the children.  It's not worth doing my coursework if I am not working hard on it and learning from it.

Really, it's a way of doing life well.  God did not create us for mediocrity.
So go.  Live well.  Live abundantly.  And...
"Wherever you are, be all there."


«Pe†er» said...

Did you just use a quote from Jim Elliot and a principle from the Mighty Ducks in the same thought? that is quite impressive...


Great Post!!
Thanks for putting some flesh on the bones of 1 Corinthians 10:31. “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
May God bless you in your ministry for Him.

Erin said...

Yes, Peter, I did. It's a classic, what can I say? :)

Robert - Too often, I have ideas ingrained in my head, but don't have the Scripture that put them there in the first place. So thank you for pointing out the Scripture that inspired this post!