"dream great dreams and find the courage to live them"

-erwin mcmanus

Saturday, August 14, 2010

IKEA: a compulsive buyer's demise.

IKEA is absolutely enchanting.  Each department sets up rooms upon rooms of beautiful items, perfectly designed to make you want each and every piece of furniture, every storage bin, every decorative item, even the fake, empty books on the shelves.  On my visit today, I reminded myself of my limited budget, my small apartment, and my absolutely selfish desire to own everything that was for sale.

I remembered that I don't have to have everything that I like.  I don't have to buy everything that I think I will use.  I don't have to spend money just because I have it to spend.

Be careful, compulsive buyers.  IKEA is a perilous trap disguised as a beautiful paradise.  You will walk out with a bag full of picture frames, candles, and a bowl of balls that may look nice, but are absolutely unnecessary.  Watch your wallet and your motives. :)

By the way, having a small apartment only encouraged me to spend more money today, as I discovered that buying bed risers will maximize my under-bed storage space.  It was imperative that I invest in them as well as some canvas storage bins to go in this newly explored space so that my closet doesn't have to hold two seasons of clothing at once.  While I'm glad I made the investment, I realize the irony of spending more money to maximize the small space that should actually prevent me from spending as much on unnecessary furniture.  Oh dear, I need counseling.

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