"dream great dreams and find the courage to live them"

-erwin mcmanus

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Adventures

In their song "Closing Time", Green Day says it perfectly:
"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end"

We always look forward to things.  In elementary school, I longed for the day that I would step foot in the middle school as a student.  As a middle schooler, I couldn't wait to get out of the pre-pubescent hell-hole and escape into high school.  In high school, every day was a day closer to graduation, when I would drive head-on into life at camp.  Even the time at camp was in preparation for college, which led into what I thought was "real life."

The beginnings and ends of things are so pronounced, the waiting so exciting, that I often forget the inbetween, the mundane - the time when we actually have the opportunity to enjoy things, experience things, live.

While 2011 will certainly include another transition, another move, more new people in a new city, I hope to truly enjoy my time there instead of anticipating what's next.

This is my challenge:  Find something to enjoy about every day - use excitement for the future to enjoy life now.  Each day is a beautiful gift from the Lord; let us not forget we are given life in abundance.

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