"dream great dreams and find the courage to live them"

-erwin mcmanus

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter us.

I find that my life sometimes resembles a reality tv show.

Not only is my life in Missouri always interesting, but my family is crazy-fun too, as I've had the opportunity to enjoy this weekend.  The first time getting away from Missouri since arriving seven weeks ago, I found myself collapsed on the couch upon arrival, unable to hold back tears.  I'm not sure why, but I couldn't hold it back.  I finally felt the freedom to release, freedom to relax, to enjoy, to empty.  Perhaps this is the release of brokenness that allows me to embrace the redemption that Easter represents and reminds us of.

This morning, Pastor Jim's sermon followed the "trail of blood that bleeds through the pages of Scripture."  It was all about the blood sacrifices that began even as far back as the Garden of Eden when God made clothing from the skin of an animal to cover the nakedness of Adam and Eve after they sinned.  From there, the use of blood for the forgiveness of sins is used time and time again, making Jesus' death all the more meaningful as it not only carries into the future, but looks back into the past, tying together the Old Testament with the New (as if there were no other ties..).

This look at redemptive history helps to solidify the understanding of the crucifixion, and, more importantly, the resurrection.  To overcome.
What beauty.

Easter us, Lord.

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