"dream great dreams and find the courage to live them"

-erwin mcmanus

Monday, August 30, 2010

the world wakes up.

Today my new work schedule begins, which means I'll be awake at 5am every day now.  I'm trying to be more disciplined about going to bed at a decent time - I now shoot for 9 o'clock each night.  My hope is that I become a morning person.  Always a little indifferent about the mornings, I find them to be so beautiful, but I can hardly enjoy them in the midst of my drowsiness and I-didn't-get-enough-sleep stomachaches (which is why I now go to bed early).

I think this will be a new love relationship with the mornings.

Sitting here on the couch, I watch the clouds turn pink with the reflection of the sunrise.  The interstate is actually moving (unlike my usual 7.30am!).  Things are just... slower.  Such a rare thing in a place like Chicago, I imagine these mornings will become my little piece of sanity.  What a beautiful way to begin a day, as my friend Andrea once said, "watching the world wake up."

1 comment:

Andrea said...

ah!! i LOVE mornings. yes, yes, watching the world wake up. isn't it wonderful!!?? :)