"dream great dreams and find the courage to live them"

-erwin mcmanus

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

cell phones.

Check out this video.
Is this what our world has come to?

A world where everyone is connected to a piece of plastic that sends messages to space and back (note the reference to this Conan O'Brien clip) may be interesting, but how can it possibly be the most important thing?

Part of living each moment means enjoying the one you're in, not the extra texting conversation that you're in at the same time.  Not the e-mail that is so important you can't wait until you arrive home to respond to.

While I don't have a major problem with my cell phone, when I'm home, my computer is never far away.  I make a pledge to enjoy moments with my roommates instead of spending them with our computers on our laps.  Beth and Rebecca, hold me to this. :)

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