"dream great dreams and find the courage to live them"

-erwin mcmanus

Monday, May 16, 2011


I've heard it said that the average person waits in line for a combined total of 6 months of their lives.  And that's just the time in line.  What about time stuck in traffic jams?  Time waiting for friends to meet up with you?  Waiting for your roommate to get out of the shower?  Waiting for water to boil?

Our lives are consumed, even characterized, by waiting.

Not only has this been the resounding theme of my life, but specifically the last few weeks God has been pounding into me the importance of waiting, of patience, of living NOW, without wishing that it was tomorrow or next month or next year.

This morning in class, Brad taught about the Life of Paul (as he has for several weeks now, and he does an awesome job at it!).  He got to the part of Acts where Paul isn't mentioned at all (chapters 10-13, I think?), and we found that he was back up in Tarsus, his home area, for that entire time.  So for years and years while Peter was having a flourishing ministry, while the church was growing down in Jerusalem and the surrounding area, Paul was stationed completely out of the picture.  It must have been so hard for him to see so much growth and not be a part of it!

But here's the thing - He was exactly where God wanted him, being prepared for exactly what God had for him.
Had he not been away, he wouldn't have carried the depth of humility in the rest of his ministry.

So who am I to ask God why He is making me wait for the things I want in life?  Who am I to ask God why He's not giving me any real direction?

Let us wait upon the Lord.  Wait in anticipation, but live each and every moment as it comes.  God has given us life in abundance now.  Let us live it.

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